Outcome of Oral Moxifloxacin as Monotherapy in Treating Mild to Moderate Diabetic Foot Infections

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Md Muktar Hossain Hossain
Md Zillur Rahman
Sadia Rahman
Mst Nazma Sultana


Objectives: Diabetic patients frequently suffer from foot infections. These infections are often associated with multiple organisms that require a broad-spectrum or a combination of antibiotic therapy. Moxifloxacin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic and used orally for foot infection. This study was designed to evaluate the suitability of moxifloxacin as a monotherapy in terms of efficacy, safety and costing. Methods: In this prospective study, 120 patients with age range between 18-60 years suffering from mild to moderate diabetic foot infections and were treated as OPD patients were included. All patients were given moxifloxacin (400 mg/day orally for 10 days). Clinical responses and any adverse effects were recorded at 3-5 days and at 10 days post therapy for evaluation. Results: 41.66% foot infections occurred in 51-60 age group and average duration of infections at presentation of DFI was 4.4 days. Overall success rate was 80% at 3-5 days and 887.5% at 10 days. There was no response in 10% cases and 2.5% case in fact deteriorated. There was no severe adverse effect and no discontinuation of drug. Commonest adverse effect was anorexia (2.5%). Total treatment cost of antibiotic was 400.00 BDT for 10 days. Conclusions: Moxifloxacin can be given as a single antibiotic for the treatment of diabetic foot infection. It is effective, free from severe adverse effect, tolerable and reasonably cheap.

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Hossain MMH, Rahman MZ, Rahman S, Sultana MN. Outcome of Oral Moxifloxacin as Monotherapy in Treating Mild to Moderate Diabetic Foot Infections. BMCJ. 2024;10(2):23-29. doi:10.70818/bmcj.2024.v010i02.017